Hi! I am Łukasz – Programmer and Traveler. I was born and raised in Białystok, in north-eastern Poland. I graduated from the Białystok University of Technology in the field of Computer Science with the title of Engineer. I participated twice in the Erasmus student exchange program at the Universidade da Beira Interior in Portugal, where I spent a total of one and a half years, also Portuguese culture is no stranger to me. Currently I am a programmer, namely FullStack .Net Developer. In autumn 2017 I tried Digital Nomading for 2 months – I lived and worked in Thailand, mainly in Bangkok. In the second half of 2019, I went on a trip around the world – of course with a laptop
I treat this blog as a kind of diary of my journeys and photo album. I also save useful information here when traveling. It is not my main source of income. Nobody pays me for travel or recommendations. I placed Google AdWords ads on the website so that the website would maintain itself. I hope that the knowledge contained here will also be useful to other people.

Traveling is my next great passion. From an early age, my parents took me on trips around Poland. Now I travel alone or with friends. I studied twice in Portugal, which was also a great opportunity to get to know another country. I also lived in Bangkok, which was my base for weekend trips to neighboring countries. I always try to bring the best photos from the places I have visited, even though I am just a photography enthusiast. In some places I also find small boxes that are part of a game called GeoCaching..
You can follow the list of my travels on instagram profiles:
- @CodeAndTravels – profile created for this blog, where entries related to it appear
- @luke_swiderski – my private profile
And in various applications:
- PolarSteps – https://www.polarsteps.com/LukaszSwiderski
- FlightRadar – https://my.flightradar24.com/Neufrin
Professional life
I’m a programmer because I’ve always wanted to do more than just use. As a child, I was wondering how the games on my console – Playstation 1. At that time, I did not have access to the Internet, or even my own computer, but later, when I was a teenager, I modded the servers of the then popular online game servers. I have learned more differently how to influence games with real-time cheats, which I also made myself. This is how I learned how games work. During my studies, I attended various gamedev conferences, such as: WGK in Gdańsk or ZTG in Poznań, and I participated in Game Jamach: Krak Jam 2015 and BialJam – whose first edition I helped to create.
I have had contact with:
C# MVC WPF XAML HTML CSS Javascript jQuery RWD WordPress SFML library XNA/MONOGAME UNITY 3D Leap Motion Controller Legacy OpenGL
As I am interested in gamedev, I must also be a player, not as keen as in the past, but I like to play co-op with my friends from time to time.

you can contact me via:
- mail – lukasz[at]codeandtravels.com
- twitter: @L_Swiderski
- facebook prywatny: lukasz.swiderski1
- facebook bloga: https://www.facebook.com/CodeAndTravels/
- linkedin: lswiderski