How to get to the city center from Airport (BKK & DMK) and vice-versa in BKK

I wrote a separate entry about travels from and to airports in Bangkok


There are 2 overground lines in the city. (Type of subway just above the ground). Single tickets can be purchased at ticket machines at each station. Unfortunately, they accept only coins and we must immediately indicate the value of our journey. At each station, you can also change some notes for coins. A one-off ticket entitles you to change between two lines.  We have to only remember to get off at the station with the same travel cost as we bought the ticket.

There is also a one day ticket available at the cash windows at each station in the price of 140THB

BTS Route Map


MRT – is a classic subway system, just like in the case of BTS, we buy one-off tickets, only instead of a card we get a chip.

Grab / Uber / Taxi

In Thailand, Grab operates – a service that is very similar to Uber, but has more types of transport (We can also order taxis and scooters). From April 2018, Uber merged with Grab and no longer operates independently in this country.

When taking a taxi, always take one that will use the taximeter. If the driver does not agree then look for another one. It will save you potential trouble with a dishonest driver.

River transport and canals

In Bangkok there is a very extensive network of channels with which sail the river buses. They are not expensive, costing 10-32THB depending on the line or the length of the course.
Schedule / Price list / The routes of ships sailing on the main river can be found at this link:

River routes

A description of water transport on the canals is available here:

khlong route map


Bikes – At most BTS stations, we will find taxi / scooter stops that will take us to nearby places so that we do not have to walk too much.

Tuktuk – mainly as a tourist attraction rather than the recommended means of transport. We find them mainly in the center and the surrounding area. Prices are negotiated with the driver.

Everything about urban transport can be found at:

See more

More things to do in Bangkok


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