In the past weekend I participated in the Global Game Jam at KrakJam in Cracow, Poland. This was my second jam in my life (the first was #0hgame jam in the tram in Poznań organized by SOS). The theme was: „What do we do now?” With my colleague Paweł we formed team „Newbies” because it was our first longer jam. In 48h we created „game” called „Death’s decisions„. In fact, it is just a demo of our idea. You have 60s to visit all room. In every room you have to answer one question. If your answer is correct, the doors to next rooms will open and you need to decide where do you go now. If your answer is wrong you will lose a huge amount of HP.

The game was created in XNA (Long live!), and most of graphics was created in Unity 3D. Yes, in Unity. We just put object in Unity and then we made screenshot the scene. Why? Because it was a jam 😀

Lukasz Swiderski, Pawel Kucinski
Team Newbies
Death’s Decisions

Cześć, nazywam się Łukasz i tworzę ten Blog Podróżniczy. Jest mi niezwykle miło Cię gościć. Jestem Cyfrowym Nomadem (Digital Nomad) czyli programistą i podróżnikiem w jednym. Mój zawód pozwala mi pojechać na drugi koniec świata i na co dzień tworzyć soft jako Full stack .NET Developer, a w weekend odwiedzać nowe miejsca i kraje. Mam nadzieję, że spodoba Ci się to co tutaj robię i będzie to przydatne. Po więcej informacji zapraszam do zakładki "O mnie".

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